Wednesday, October 8

Post to say goodbye ...

I was thinking of posting something happy just some hours ago! I cooked, smiled, had a calm time, but then a phone rang. Mihai A. a man that i always thought was funny ... in a bear kind of way met St. Peter this morning around 10. I didn't cry, but flashes of the time spent just pop out of nowhere. Like ... how whine glasses looked so petit in his hands, how his cheeks turned birth red from the cold wind, how he had a cat that i wasn't always fond of. Well to tell the truth the cat didn't really like me either, but it was precious the way we both used to pretend there was a big love there.
It wasn't love that i had for him, it was some funny feeling of watching an elephant with a mouth the size of a black hole. Whenever he came he used to bring me chocolates that i never liked and then the conversation between the big ones started. And then he would never stop.

Haven't seen you lately, haven't been to your sons wedding or to your granddaughters baptise but still i never wanted to ever hear the news about your body becoming 21 grams lighter. They say thats how much the soul weights. Curious if it's really like that?
Bear are you lighter now?

0 giggles: