Saturday, July 4

I’ve got chills, they're multiplying

Oh well

I first saw the lead singer of Franz Ferdinand alone in the crowd, watching one of the previous concerts. No one seemed to recognise him. All peace and quiet. I asked for a picture with him. I said thank you. And he replied: You are always welcome.

After the soaking disappointment with the Killers (not, it was not only the weather), expectations were not as high. But high was the concert. They were singing passionately, they were happy to be here, they interacted with the public, they danced, jumped, smiled. And we danced, jumped and smiled back. I don t understand why KISS FM would call them an intro for Orbital – that only tells me how this link here is so right about the partnership between bestfest and kiss fm. Totally inappropriate, right?
It was exactly how i expected, but only so much better.

Pictures will follow. Stay tuned!!!!

0 giggles: