Thursday, December 4

Drunker, older, better

I've always had a problem with the passing of time. Why? Because i've been surrounded by older people most of my life so the age factor had a huge impact on me. Feels like a super massive black hole is in my heart hibernating and each time the b-day comes ... the bear comes to life. I fear my all will be sucked into nowhere. Into the hated unknown.
So what did the caterpillar girl do?
Shopping ... Took the name of St. Nicolae and bought for her darling mellows, popciok and parmiggiano. The wine i bought for myself ... a Chardonnay. The bottle got opened before the blessed event but ... hell yeah. When i changed my ring tone to Alabama Song i knew why =))
Something else! Why do all people, well boys to be precise, why do they all buy me earrings? Can't they see i don't wear any. EVER! I've got a metal problem to call it so! And from now on ... please no more. What else?

12.15 turned 21 and dumb Zavoranca is trying to sing. I'm getting drunker by the minute and laughing for no good reason. I can drink anywhere now :) Hurrah
Gonna go sit on the "throne" and read my Murakami book.

Paolo Conti - Via con me

0 giggles: